Upcoming Events:- Philadelphia Data Visualization Meetup, March 12, 2025
Past Seminars for Universities, Professional Societies, and Other Conferences Open to the Public:- Dallas/ Ft. Worth Data Visualization Meetup, Dallas, January 16, 2020
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, July 28, 2019
- Data Visualization Meetup New York, July 9, 2019
- NY Chapter of ASA, New York, June 17, 2019
- Conference on Statistical Practice, New Orleans, February 2019
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, 2018
- New Jersey Chapter American Statistical Assoc. 2018
- Data Viz Camp, New York, NY, 2017
- Washington Statistical Society, Washington, DC, 2017
- Conference on Statistical Practice, Jacksonville, FL, 2017
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL, 2016
- Conference on Statistical Practice, New Orleans, 2015
- Tutorial for Strata, Barcelona, 2014
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, 2014
- NJ Tableau Users Group, Newark, NJ
- Strata Conference Making Data Work, New York, NY
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Montreal, Canada
- DC-AAPOR & WSS Summer Conference, Washington, DC
- Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA
- EERS Conference, Absecon, NJ,
- UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA
- RIMS (Risk Management Society), Philadelphia, PA
- University of Miami, Miami, FL
- NJ R Meeting, Piscataway, NJ
- NJ Tableau Users Group, Hoboken, NJ
- R Users Group, Philadelphia, PA
- Tableau Customer Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, FL
- Conference in Genetics, Probability and Statistics in Honor of David Siegmund, Palo Alto, CA
- NY Data Visualization and Infographics Meetup, New York, NY
- MRA First Outlook Conference, Orlando, FL
| - NJ Public Health Association, Piscataway, NJ
- New York Metro Chapter of American Statistical Association, New York, NY
- American Statistical Association, Webinar
- Statistical Society of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
- Society for Women in Computing, Morristown, New Jersey
- Quebec Cognos User’s Group, Montreal, Quebec
- Palladium Group Business Performance Conference, Miami, Florida
- New Jersey ODN (Organization Development Network) 2005 and 2007 Annual Sharing Days
- STC Philadelphia Metro Chapter Annual Conference
- Nova Southeastern University
- NJIT Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication
- New York AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research)
- Presentations at the 46th, 47th, 49th, 50th and 52nd Annual Conference of the Society of Technical Communication
- Post-Conference Workshops at the 46th and 47th Annual Conference of the Society of Technical Communication
- Palm Beaches Chapter of the Society of Technical Communication
- International Statistical Literacy Project, Durban, South Africa
- International Statistical Institute, Durham, South Africa
- Webinar for Society of Technical Communication
- BASS Biopharmaceutical Conference, Savannah, GA
- FDA/Industry Workshop, Arlington, VA
- Fordham Council on Applied Psychometrics Conference, Bronx, NY
- New York Metro Chapter, Society of Technical Communications, Financial SIG, New York, NY
- Ohio Program Evaluators’ Group, Columbus, OH
- 2007 American Sociological Association, New York, NY
- 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT
- NNJ Chapter ASTD, Totowa, NJ
- Casualty Actuarial Society, Orlando, FL
- New York Metro Chapter of American Statistical Association, New York, NY
- Swiss Days of Statistics, Lugano, Switzerland
- Corporate Communications Institute, Farleigh Dickinson University
- Short course at 2006 Joint Statistical Meetings
- Society of Women Engineers, Region F Conference
- Insightful Webcast
- Deming Conference
- Usability NJ
- New York Chapter of the Financial Planner’s Association
- 2001 Joint Statistical Meetings
- Columbia University Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Seminar
- Continuing Education at William Paterson University
- Graphics Workshop at Brookfield Zoo
- Mini-Workshops at the Visitor Studies Association 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2005 Annual Conferences
- NY Metro Chapter of the Society of Technical Communication
- Society of Women Engineers 1999 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
- Seminar at McGill University