Do you present data as clearly as you can?
At NBR, we teach others to communicate data clearly.
Data can be confusing, misleading, and deceptive - or they can be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Principal of NBR, Naomi B. Robbins has dedicated her career to the clear communication of numbers for understanding data and decision-making purposes. Through seminars, keynotes, webinars and consulting, Naomi helps employees of organizations become stronger data-communicators. She teaches principles of effective graphs and graphical methods, customizing programs to make them relevant for her audience. Naomi speaks at conferences, large corporations, government agencies, professional societies, universities and non-profits in the U.S. and Worldwide. Contact Naomi to have her speak at your organization, or to arrange a public seminar in your area.
Read More Testimonials
“The session provided a comprehensive exploration into the nuanced world of data visualization, emphasizing the pivotal role of selecting appropriate graphs for effective data communication. Through a juxtaposition of subpar and exemplary graphs, Robbins brilliantly elucidated the principles behind making impactful choices.”
Naomi’s Book:Creating More Effective Graphs
Learn the basic knowledge
and techniques required
to choose and create
appropriate graphs
for a broad range of
Book Naomi to Speak at Your Organization
Naomi offers customized seminars and keynotes, speaking at organizations and conferences worldwide.
See her Offerings